r e v i s t a do samba

Letícia Coura, singer and composer. 

By the end of the eighties toured in Germany, France and Switzerland, presenting at the International Festival of  Jazz of Montreux accompanied by musicians of several countries. Under musical direction of Tavinho Moura, recorded beside Pena Branca & Xavantinho the soundtrack for the film "Minas, Texas", rewarded in the Festival of Movies of Brasília. In 93 presented the show "Conversa de Botequim", centered in compositions of Noel Rosa, in Spain and Italy. During 96/97 released her first solo cd, "BAM BAM BAM", musical direction by Beto Bianchi (Dabliú Discos). Together pianist Marcelo Zanettini recorded the cd "Letícia Coura sings Boris Vian" (Dabliú Discos/2000). Participated of the cd "Circus" (Recording Attraction), with the group "Parlapatões, Patifes e Paspalhões", "Bum Bum do Poeta" (Natasha Records), of Beatriz Azevedo, and "Mariantivel". In theater took part in "Bacantes", of José Celso Martinez Corrêa as actress and vocal preparation of cast (1999 and 2001) and Hamlet (2001). As composer, actress and singer, participated of "Opera Urbana Zucco" based on Bernard-Marie Koltès’s work, Prize Estímulo for Researchers of Scenic Language, São Paulo (1995). Did the vocal preparation of the cast Pedro Almodóvar’s play "Patty Diphusa", directed by Fernando Guerreiro (2000), and "Peripatéticos" (1997).