r e v i s t a do samba

Vítor da Trindade, Ogan Alabê, percussionist, singer guitarist and teacher of Brazilian dances. 

Played with the bands "Bazar dos Baratos" (RJ), "Réquiem Napalm" and "Flor do Luar" (BA), "Banda Kalimba", "Cometa Gafi" and "Maria da Fé" (SP), with the dance groups "Batacotô", Popular Theater "Solano Trindade", "Grupo Fuá" and "Ma Han". Participated of the films "O samba mandou me chamar", of Sérgio Zeigler, with Zezé Mota and Pascoal da Conceição, and "Deusa Negra", of Ola Balogun, co-production Brazil and Nigeria, with Jece Valadão and Vera Gimenez. Composed for the bands "Semente of Baobá", "Duo Baobá", "Maria da Fé" and "Moleque de Rua", and for several theatrical shows. Does percussion workshops and Brazilian dances in cultural centers Sesc divisions, Pompéia Ipiranga, Bertioga, Rio Preto, Piracicaba and Belenzinho, in the cultural centers Oswald de Andrade, Alfredo Volpi, Cândido Portinari, Butantã and Itaquera, in the state of São Paulo and in Germany, Holland and Sweden. With Carlos Caçapava recorded the cd "Airá Otá", released in 2001, by Dabliú Discos. Participated of Samba Sindrom 98 99, 2000 and 2001, invitation of Landesmusik Akademie of Berlin, Germany, where taught rhythms, songs and Afro-Brazilian dances.