r e v i s t a do samba

Singing the Samba


Letícia Coura - voice and cavaquinho

Beto Bianchi – acoustic guitar

Vítor da Trindade - percussion


Workshop open to actors, singers, musicians and everyone interested in music

duration: 6 hours

vacancies: 20



. to have an overview about the origins and evolution of Samba in Brazil (mainly in the states 

of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Minas Gerais),in order to trace a panel of this musical gender 

through its bestcomposers, with theoretical exhibition and audition of songs (e.g: the very first 

recorded samba, to perceive small differencesbetwen styles of different areas, examples of old styles

like partido alto, maxixe, samba de roda, samba enredo, samba de breque, etc. and of modern styles 

like, samba reggae,samba rock, samba-funk, and the current wave of "pagode",

including even degenerated forms of the gender like the "sambanejo";

. notions of vocal technique, through fast heating exercise for singing practice;

. to practice samba, using corporal resources, like claps, fingers and voice;

also mixing phonemes typically Brazilian with particularities of different regional accents;improvising;

. with any participating instrumentalists (guitarists, percussionists and cavaquinho players), 

to use basic rhythm, together with typical harmonic notions of samba;

. sing together two choosen sambas from repertoire of "Revista do Samba", classics of Brazilian urban 

samba, in a "roda de samba" (samba jam), in order to experience singing with a group.


. The workshop is divided in two parts of three hours each:

09:00 to 10:30h - introduction with a theoretical explanation and audition of songs;

10:40 to 11:00h - corporal conscience, breathing and vocal heating;

11:00 to 12:00h - experiencing rhythm, using corporal and vocal resources;

 improvising starting from proposed rhythm;

12:00 to 14:00h - interval for lunch.

14:00 to 15:00h - experiencing rhythm with pieces of melodies;

fit the melody in the rhythm, always with body movement;

15:00 to 16:00h - division in groups: singers, guitarists and/or cavaquinho

players and percussionists (if there’s any); execution of rhythmic, melodic and harmonic cells,

and lyrics of two songs; to fit the lyrics in melody and rhythm;

16:00 to 17:00h - "roda de samba" (samba jam) for execution of the learnt songs,

with space for improvising with local language.


. r e v i s t a do samba also offers the following workshops:


Samba Funk
Samba Batucada
Berimbau and Pandeiro
 Tradicional Rithms from Northeast of Brazil
Mixed Tradicional and Modern Rithms
Batucada and  DJ


Right hand clinic - samba, samba funk, bossa nova


Clinic - samba, samba funk, bossa nova

For more details, contact us – revistadosamba@uol.com.br